Help us track cyber-related crime by reporting data breaches and other cyber incidents. This data helps us to create alerts and advisories that raise awareness and prevent future incidents.
The Weekly Bulletin aggregates information about cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and other resources to promote shared awareness and the adoption of best practices. Designed for a general audience, the Bulletin aims to bridge the information sharing gaps between all levels of government, the private sector, and individuals.
Check out our latest bulletin for insight into the threats and malicious activity directly targeting New Jersey networks.
An NJCCIC membership enables you to increase your knowledge and awareness, becoming the strongest defense against cyber-attacks. Join today at no cost and we'll deliver the latest cyber alerts and advisories to your inbox, along with our bulletins, training notifications, and other important updates.
The NJCCIC is the state's one-stop-shop for cyber threat analysis, incident reporting, and information sharing.
We are available to conduct virtual cybersecurity presentations covering a range of topics, including the current state of cybercrime and ransomware prevention. Presentations can also be tailored to your specific agency or organization needs. Presentations are provided at no cost, and scheduling is based on availability.