Original Release Date: 8/26/2022
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email authentication protocol that enables solely authorized mail servers to send emails for a specific domain while rejecting those sent from an unauthorized server. When an email is inbound, the mail server checks to ensure the domain is from an authorized IP address.
SPF records, when implemented with a DMARC policy of quarantine or reject, can prevent email spoofing. On their own, SPF records can prevent an unauthorized sending host from sending messages for the envelop sender's domain.
Any business or company sending commercial or transactional emails should implement SPF records. Without an SPF record, attackers can spoof your domain name for email phishing attacks; this can lead to ransomware, malware, and financial loss or fraud.
First, a domain administrator creates and publishes an SPF record, defining the mail servers allowed to send email from that domain. Next, the inbound mail server receives an incoming email.
The mail server verifies the sender's IP address with the list of authorized IPs previously defined in the SPF record. The mail server receiving the emails then decides if the email should be accepted, rejected, or flagged based on the rules previously defined in the SPF record.
To create the SPF TXT value:
Domain - A domain is a structure for organizing, delivering, and accessing services on the internet. For example, "cyber.nj.gov."
Email Spoofing - Email spoofing is the act of modifying email sender information in order to appear as a known or trusted entity of the recipient.
Protocols - Protocols are plans, rules, actions, and measures used to ensure company protection against an attack, breach, or any other incident.
Time To Live - TTL is a DNS setting that tells the DNS resolver how long to cache a query before requesting a new one. The information gathered is then stored in the computer's cache until it reaches back out and collects new, update results. Therefore, it is important to set the correct Time To Live so that any information on the website or domain will update. For TXT records, in our case, the recommended Time To Live is 3600 seconds. Records within this timeframe use a low TTL focus to make fast changes but still can utilize some level of caching to help reduce resource consumption.
Below are more resources that may be helpful when creating your SPF record:
Add an SPF record | Domains - GoDaddy Help US
Edit an SPF record | Domains - GoDaddy Help US
How to set up an SPF record? (part 1) - YouTube
What is SPF and How to Setup SPF Record | Mailtrap Blog